The BMDCA Online Store is proud to serve you and appreciates your generous support! 
The following individuals are standing by to assist you with your questions:

BMDCA Ways & Means (W&M):
Product Development: Jon Weir [email protected]
Order Fulfillment: Kelly Moody [email protected]

2022 National Specialty (Hampton VA):
W&M Chair: Sherry Von Engel [email protected]
Trophy Chair: Kim Perry [email protected]
Pledges/Payments: Michele Dominy [email protected]

BMDCA Futurity: 
Chair: Sandy Dunaway [email protected]
Important Rules: Click here Futurity

The Alpenhorn:
Editor in Chief: Lara Usilton [email protected]
Business Manager: Joye Neff [email protected]
Ad Sales & Design: Beth Schmoyer [email protected]
Subscriptions: Kim Caronia [email protected]
Single Issue Sales: Pam Weir [email protected]
Design Policy & Ad Rates: Click Here Advertising

(Payable in US Funds to "BMDCA" noting invoice number in the Memo)

TROPHY PLEDGES: Remit to Michele Dominy, BMDCA Trophy Chair, 15738 Miller Road, Plano IL 60545-9510
ALL OTHER CHECK PAYMENTS: Remit to Susan Henderson, Online Store, 5171 Highland Ave, Yorba Linda CA 92886
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